Monday, October 14, 2013

Whoops...two how time has flown!

It has been about two years since my last blog. That is atrocious, I know. Especially since my last blog was about how I never post anything and was very behind. Well, I'm back again! Yes, two years per blog isn't really blogging, it's more like confessional writing every once in awhile. But hey, I'm suddenly inspired and sometimes you just have to write and send it out into the universe.

Let's see, what's happened in two years? I got married, received a promotion, joined a really great gym, discovered making chicken rice bowls for diner is very easy and nutritious (aren't I amazing so far? Just give it a second) Placed bids on three houses, got out bid on all of them, my cat jumped off our apartment balcony from the third story and went missing for three days, (there we go) I called a pet psychic, yep, yes I did, he came back. We began to think about babies and wondered if we should move closer to family back in Southern California, promptly received an eviction notice because the apartment structure we lived in was not structurally sound for earthquakes so they needed to retrofit and kick everyone out of the building (we have three pets, how will we find anything!)searched for month to month places, tried San Leandro and got caught in a shooting in the lobby! Survived, now have street cred, steered clear of San Leandro, moved to Walnut Creek, went on five job interviews in So Cal,got turned down from all five, (hurts the ego and makes me question who I am and what kind of person I should be) and now I'm writing this blog. Yay!

So,all up to speed? I'm sure you've been curious, you kind person that's found time to read this and are actually interested. You're amazing, you know that? Amazing and saintly, oh and good looking too!

It's close to midnight and it's a Sunday night. As usual, I can't sleep because I'm so anxious to get things done, only I don't know exactly how or what. I feel like I'm in limbo. We want very much to move but can't do it yet. We are being rational and need jobs first to move. No matter how appealing it is to live with Justin's grandmother. We have perfectly fine jobs now, only they're not near our families and friends. We've been in the Bay Area for a little over two years and we love it. The air is clean, the weather is always nice and cool, sometimes a little too cool, but I've embraced dressing like an Eskimo during winter, so cozy! It's so laid back, girls wear flats everywhere, my feet like very much! The City is close by (insert pompous voice here)yes, San Francisco is referred to as The City, because really, there is no other City quite like it. Well, I'm sure New York and Paris are probably quite spectacular, but I've never been to either, so, there...and the food! This girl loves to eat. The food is wonderful! You can find anything and it's usually fairly reasonable. In Berkeley, I discovered a Vietnamese food truck that serves the best spicy crispy catfish. Now, I never knew I would want spicy, crispy catfish, but I do and it's probably one of the best things I've ever eaten. So far, because, you know, I have a lot more things I would like to eat.

Ugh, This post doesn't really have a theme. I'm kind of spewing at the mouth here. Sorry for the grotesque visual. But I suppose I'm in the mood for reflecting. I'm wondering what the next step should be. I've reached my thirties, so now teenagers in large packs at movie theaters scare me and I can only drink beer, one beer, and nothing mixed.I'm sleepy by ten. AM and PM. And also, I'm thinking about babies. This is odd to me because I've always been really nervous around kids and terrified at the thought of having one. I remember a kid falling down next to me at the airport and I didn't know how to react. This makes me sound like a soul-less human being, although, let's be clear. He didn't cry and his mom was close by, so I wasn't that terrible. And now, I want a child and want to start a family. Oh, so cliche, blech, but I do! And Justin, my shiny new husband, he wants one too. Well, not now, he still gets that dead fish look in his eyes of fear when I bring it up, but then he snaps out of it and slowly nods his head like a cult member and says, "sounds good" Oh, I kid, he's on board, he just wants us to be more stable. And I want to be stable too.

We're literally in limbo, trying to make our way back down South. We apply to jobs every night. Our furniture is in storage (we're floor people) and most of our clothes. I can only be so creative and I'm worried because all our coats and warm weather items are boxed up and you know what they say, "winter is coming".
I had job interviews! I had five job interviews for five different jobs! The first one I drove down with the dog. On one of our rest stops, he found a fire ant hill which resulted in screams of horror from me while I doused him with my water bottle. And guess what? One of those little buggers hitched a ride in the car and bit me on the back. Of course the bite progressed into something huge and horrible to look at.(Here's a note, go to the doctor rather than diagnose yourself on Webmed) But you know what? I soldered on and I interviewed and then they told me, "no". And then three more, I flew for the next ones and then 0n the last one, the interviewer walked me out shook my hand and said these words, "You did really great in there. There's something special about you, I can tell." So, of course I thought "Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God, I so got this job!" And then she emailed me two days later and said, "You're great but we went with another candidate" Mother f*%$ker.Cold hearted!

I had to tell the people I work with what was going on. It would've been really odd and suspicious to call in sick once every week or two. They've been amazing about it and understanding. But, it's been about three months. They probably want to move ahead and are wondering when I'm going to get out of there. Oh, me too. Me too.

I suppose( oh look, I found my theme!) Yes, I suppose it's funny when you realize what's truly important to you and that what you thought you wanted before becomes something different. I very much want to start the next chapter of my life as a parent. I want to be close to my family and my friends. It's really hard to make friends when you're an adult. I want my parents to be close to their grand kids and to be there to see them grow up. Also, I'm gonna need a lot of help because my dog and cats are waaaay to sassy so I can only imagine what a talking child will be like. But, in the meantime, my husband and I are in this together, we're employed and are saving up,and, we'll be here for the pumpkin festival in Half Moon Bay! I love pumpkins.

Alright, till another two years! ....Well, maybe sooner than that...